Emergency Alert System

Here you will find handy references on just about everything you need regarding the Emergency Alert System. (PDF) denotes the link is a Portable Document File that may be downloaded directly, or viewed with a web browser if you have the Adobe Reader (or similar) plug-in installed. (HTTP) denotes pages directly viewable with your web browser.

Latest Info

Effective Jan 1 of this new year, every month’s RMT is originated from Columbus, sent as an “All of Ohio” RMT. Second Wednesday of every month (March is always the exception because it’s in conjunction with Severe Weather Awareness Week in Ohio – this year on 3/2/16), 9:50am for odd months, 3:50am (formerly 4:50am) for even months. Attached is the Ohio RMT schedule – which is reflective of all operational area plans when it comes to the RMT. In effect, LP’s no longer ‘originate’ an RMT in their respective operational area but relay the statewide RMT. Six of the twelve months are IPAWS-based origination/distribution from the OEOC via IPAWS – and in this mode, stations will likely get the RMT from IPAWS before their LP relays it on the ‘parallel’ RF path.

Greg M. Savoldi

Regional Director of Engineering, iHeart Media
Chairman – State of Ohio Emergency Communications Committee
SBE Frequency Coordinator – Central Ohio Radio and TV

To get the latest RMT schedule, go to: ftp.sbe33.net with the following log-in:
USERNAME = files@sbe33.net
PASSWORD = sbe33rocks

Ohio EAS Documents

Ohio State-wide EAS Plan (PDF)
Southwest Ohio EAS Plan (PDF)
West Central Ohio EAS Plan (PDF)

Ohio Amber Plan Documents

Ohio Amber Plan (PDF)
Ohio Amber Alert Checklist (PDF)
Missing Person Report Form (PDF)

Ohio EMA Websites

Ohio Amber Plan (HTTP)

FCC EAS Documents

EAS Operating Handbook (PDF)
Emergency Alert Procedures for TV Handbook (PDF)
Emergency Alert Procedures for Radio Handbook (PDF)
Emergency Alert Procedures for Cable Systems Handbook (PDF)
Emergency Alert Procedures for Satellite Systems Handbook (PDF)
Emergency Alert Procedures for Wireline Video Providers Handbook (PDF)

Report on Lessons Learned from the 2011 Nationwide EAS Test (PDF)

FCC/FEMA Websites

FCC Rules, Part 11, EAS (HTTP)

EAS Encoder/Decoder Information

Digital Alert Systems
Gorman Redlich
Monroe Electronics
Sage Alerting Systems
TFT Inc.